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Otonari ni Ginga

Since his father died, manga artist Ichiro has barely scraped by, forced to support his two younger siblings on just a middle school education. He doesn't even have time to learn how to use a computer, which forces him to keep wrestling with pen and paper. When his art assistants quit to strike out on their own, on top of juggling deadlines, family, and the constant fear of losing his job, Ichiro feels close to a total breakdown. But then a new assistant pops into Ichiro's life, and his prospects immediately start to brighten! She's an incredible artist, she always finishes on time, and she's beautiful, to boot! But she also seems to know an awful lot about him, and soon, she makes a confession that bends Ichiro's mind beyond the confines of Earth…
Otonari ni Ginga 1x1
Otonari ni Ginga 1x2
Otonari ni Ginga 1x3

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